Samsang gjennom livsløpet

Volume editors:
Regine Vesterlid Strøm, Øyvind Johan Eiksund, Anne Haugland Balsnes
Chapter authors:
Regine Vesterlid Strøm, Øyvind Johan Eiksund, Anne Haugland Balsnes, Arve Almvik, Lars Ole Bonde, Grete Daling, Ingrid Danbolt, Liv Anna Hagen, Siri Haukenes, Linn Hentschel, Sven-Erik Holgersen, Stefan Ingerslev, Dag Jansson, Jens Knigge, Tiri Bergesen Schei, Torill Vist, Helene Waage


Denne antologien omhandler samsang i ulike livsfaser og sammenhenger i en skandinavisk kontekst. Samsang utgjør en vesentlig del av vår felles kulturarv. Samsang, som innebærer alle former for sang der mennesker synger sammen, karakteriserer på ulike måter menneskelig samvær gjennom hele livsløpet, fra vugge til grav.

Med et kritisk analytisk blikk belyser forskningsarbeidene i antologien varierte tematikker omkring samsangpraksisens betydning og verdi for meningsskaping og opplevelse av sammenheng i livet knyttet til musikalske, fysiske, psykiske, emosjonelle, kognitive, etiske, kulturelle og sosiale faktorer. Undersøkelsene innbefatter blant annet sangens stilling i norske barnehager og skoler, samsang og helserelaterte temaer, samsang i et kjønnsperspektiv, samsang i et flerkulturelt perspektiv, samsangaktiviteter i lys av mestring og motivasjon, samt hverdagslige samsangaktiviteter for personer med demens og deres pårørende. Korsang i ulike livsfaser, fra oppvekstår til pensjonsalder, tematiseres også i flere kapitler.

Med sin bredt anlagte og pluralistiske tilnærming, gir antologien et mangesidig bidrag til kunnskapsutviklingen på det musikkpedagogiske området knyttet til samsangens kraft og legitimitet både på individ-, gruppe- og samfunnsnivå. Forfatterne har erfaring som praktikere og forskere fra høyere utdanning innen musikkpedagogikk, utøvende musikk, musikkterapi, musikk og helse og musikalske praksiser i det frie kunst- og kulturfeltet.

Synopsis in English:

This anthology deals with co-singing (Norwegian: samsang) in different life stages and various settings in a Scandinavian context. Co-singing forms an essential part of our shared cultural heritage. Co-singing involves all forms of singing-activities in which people coexist, and characterizes in various ways human companionship throughout the course of life, from cradle to grave.

From a critical analytical perspective, the research in this anthology sheds light on several themes related to the importance and value of co-singing practice in terms of sensemaking and experiencing coherence in life. This involves musical, physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive, ethical, cultural, and social factors. The research project examines for instance the position of singing activities in Norwegian kindergartens and schools, co-singing and health-related topics, co-singing from a gender perspective, co-singing from a multicultural perspective, co-singing activities in light of motivation and coping, and also low-threshold, flexible daily life singing activities for persons with dementia and their relatives. Choir singing in various life stages, from childhood to age of retirement, are also explored in several chapters.

With its broadly arranged and pluralistic approach, this anthology provides a multi-faceted contribution to the development of knowledge in the research field of music associated with the power and legitimacy of co-singing at the individual, group, and societal levels. The contributing authors have their practical and scientific experience from higher music education within the fields of music pedagogy, music performance, music therapy, music and health, and also from other types of cultural and musical practices.


Author Biographies

Regine Vesterlid Strøm

Regine Vesterlid Strøm (PhD) is associated professor of music at Nord University, Faculty of Education and Arts, Campus Bodø, Norway. Her research interests include singing both in professional and amateur contexts, music education in general, cultural sociology and life history research. Further information:

Øyvind Johan Eiksund

Øyvind Johan Eiksund (PhD) is associate professor of music at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Teacher Education, Norway. His research interests include music technology, community and amateur music, music sociology, and choir and songrelated research. Further information:

Anne Haugland Balsnes

Anne Haugland Balsnes (PhD) is professor of music at the University of Agder (UiA), Department of Classical Music and Music Education, Norway. Her research interests include singing in choral, educational and religious contexts and music and health. She is also a singer and choral conductor. Further information:

Arve Almvik

Arve Almvik is a psychiatric nurse and docent/professor in mental health work. He holds the main position at the Norwegian National competence Center for Community Mental Health (NAPHA) and visiting position as professor at Nord University, Norway. Further information:

Lars Ole Bonde

Lars Ole Bonde (PhD) was professor in music therapy at Aalborg University 1995–2018. From 2008 he was professor II at Center for Research in Music and Health (CREMAH), the Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway), where he is now emeritus. He is a primary trainer in GIM (Guided Imagery and Music) and a certified clinical Supervisor. His current research projects are in GIM, music education and opera. He has numerous publications on music therapy, music psychology, music education, and music theatre. Further information:

Grete Daling

Grete Daling is an associate professor in music at Nord University, Faculty of Education and Arts, Norway. Her field of teaching and research interests involve vocal expression in relation to different genres, styles, techniques, aesthetics, formats, health and culture. She also works as a performing singer and choral conductor, which she considers as inspiring and necessary in both her teaching and research. Her musical leadership is characterized by joy of singing and connecting voices. Further information:

Ingrid Danbolt

Ingrid Danbolt is associate professor of music education at Oslo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education and International Studies / Department of Early Childhood Education, Norway. She is also an experienced choral conductor. Her research interests include digital tools, song-repertoire and children’s songs in kindergarten and school, and pedagogues as music pathfinders in children’s life. Further information

Liv Anna Hagen

Liv Anna Hagen is associate professor of music education at Oslo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education and International Studies / Department of Early Childhood Education. Her research interests include singing, song-repertoire in kindergartens and schools, children’s songs, and use of digital tools in music education. Further information:

Siri Haukenes

Siri Haukenes is associate professor of music education at Oslo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education and International Studies / Department of Early Childhood Education, Norway. Her research interests include song-repertoire and children’s songs in kindergarten and school, music history and folk music. Further information:

Linn Hentschel

Linn Hentschel (PhD) is an associate professor of pedagogical work in music at Umeå University (UmU), Department of Creative Studies (Teacher Education), Sweden. Her research interests include gender theory and other critical and ethical perspectives on singing and music education. Further information:

Sven-Erik Holgersen

Sven-Erik Holgersen (PhD) is associate professor emeritus at Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark. His research interests include music teaching and learning in early childhood, schools, and teacher education, as well as aesthetic experience in music practices. Further information:

Stefan Ingerslev

Stefan Ingerslev (Konzertsolist, Diploma of Social Work (soc.d & BA) is a dementia-coordinator and a research assistant. Earlier position as a principal oboplayer (cand.musicae at The Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen, and Konzertsolist at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover). His main research interests are developmental neuroaffective psychology, music and language in daycare and primary school, and music and dementia. Further information:

Dag Jansson

Dag Jansson (PhD) is professor of arts management at Oslo Business School, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway, where he runs the arts management program. He also teaches at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg, Sweden, and at the Norwegian Academy of Music. Jansson’s research interests include aesthetic leadership and conductor education, and he is an active choral conductor. Further information:

Jens Knigge

Jens Knigge (Dr. phil.) is professor of music education at Nord University, Faculty of Education and Arts, Campus Levanger, Norway. His research interests include music teacher education, musical competency development, and psychological aspects of musical teaching and learning. Further information:

Tiri Bergesen Schei

Tiri Bergesen Schei is professor (Dr. Art.) in Music Education and leader of the strategic research program Arts, Creativity and Cultural Practices at Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Norway. Core fields of research interests are topics related to voice and the phenomenology of being heard, coined in concepts like voice shame and the audible body. Further information:

Torill Vist

Torill Vist (PhD) is professor in music education at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, Department of Early Childhood Education, Norway, and adjunct professor at the University of Stavanger, Norway. She holds her bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as her PhD in Music Education from the Academy of Music in Oslo, and has another master’s degree in piano performance from SMU, Dallas, USA. Her research interests include early childhood music education, music and emotion knowledge, and arts-based and narrative methodologies. Further information:

Helene Waage

Helene Waage is a PhD fellow at the University of Agder (UiA), Norway, Department of Classical Music and Music Education. Her research interests include singing and dementia, and music and health. Helene is also a cellist and singer with special interest in folk music and interdisciplinary projects. Further information:

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May 23, 2022


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